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The training and development of a new convert is an awesome and solemn responsibility. As a discipler, you will be used by God to influence another human being for the sake of the Gospel.  The following will assist you in your vital role with the new believer. We have been created as children of God, become spiritual children when born from above, and have as a goal sonship, maturity in Christ.

  1. As you utilize the material, remember that the process of growth and change takes time. Those in your care will need small bites at first, which is why this course is broken down into small sections.
  2. Meet on a consistent basis. This demonstrates to your new converts the importance you give their growth. If you do not think you can see the process through, do not begin.
  3. During each session, you will want to answer general questions, assist with problems, and give biblical guidance. However, you do not have to have all the answers. Part of our growth comes through the mutual searching for answers from the Word of God.
  4. Encourage the development of a prayer journal to record needs and answers to prayer. Prayer should be a vital part of your time together. Remember, your life is a model. Your walk speaks louder than your talk.
  5. Look for signs of leadership and let the pastoral staff know if you see potential. You should always be on the lookout for faithful men and women for future service.
  6. When you minister in this fashion, you are actively involved in the fulfillment of Jesus’ Great Commission. Dedication to the task, with joy, will bring positive results for the Kingdom of God.

This course is designed to assist the discipler equip new believers in walking out their journey from the old man to the new.   It is presented in three parts:

  • New Beginnings
  • 40 Days to the Promise
  • Mentoring Mandate

You will want to purchase all three books and study them for yourself before guiding your disciples through the process.  It is an excellent course for a small group study of 8 – 10 or one on one if you prefer.   

Buy all three books in one package,  on sale now for just $37.94  Click here to order yours!