Domestic Violence Counselor Certification

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Course Description

Domestic violence occurs in all cultures and socioeconomic circles.  It creates patterns of destruction for adults and children costing millions of dollars annually. Domestic Violence counselors who are properly trained can help assist law enforcement, other government agencies, and private sector outreaches to effectively assist victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. This course will prepare the perspective counselor to provide quality counseling outreach from crisis to conclusion.

In this course, the student will learn:

  1. The Roots of Domestic Violence
  2. The Dynamic of Crisis
  3. Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies
  4. and much more.

In addition, Units 3 and 4 will provide the needed tools for volunteers to work with those affected by Domestic Violence.

You will need to order your textbooks from Vision Publishing.  Go to and order both Patterns of Destruction  and Crisis Counseling.