This is a book born out of adversity, learned in the crucible of experience. It is presented for the hungry believer who deeply desires to grow in God’s grace and purpose, while preparing for effective kingdom service. You will learn of the marvelous miracle of God’s grace, mercy, and power. You will also learn about several other important concepts including:

- Egypt is a type of sin and of bondage.
- The Number 40, found through out scripture, speaks of judgement that leads to transformation.
- There is freedom for those who are in bondage, Christ has set us free, and provides through the Word the process for change.
- We are called to be conquerors, and conquerors are who we are called to be in Christ.
I was 19 years of age when I first heard the analogy or typology of the children of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and journey toward the Promised Land as a picture of the believer’s spiritual journey. Dr. Bohac, my pastor and High School English teacher, taught a most revolutionary (at the time) bible series that became so important to my understanding of God’s plan for his children. If I remember correctly, Dr. Bohac’s perspective was that it is God’s plan for the promised land (the promises of the Lord) to become the full inheritance for the people of God. However, though the promises of God are for all his children, there was a wilderness experience that had to be traversed in preparation for the inheritance.
For many years, local churches have told new converts that there was a straight line to heaven, that when one was born again all would be perfect for the rest of life here on earth. This is a distortion of reality at best, a bold faced lie at worst. The church must stop denying the reality that Christians must go through a time of wilderness experience. The experience is subsequent to their deliverance from sin (bondage or Egypt). The wilderness experience is a part of the plan of God to transform our character, thus preparing his people to fully inherit the kingdom of God. We are able to fully inherit the promises that God has given to us as His children. The promises of God are tremendous, outlined throughout the Word of God. They include God’s provisions, his peace, joy, love, fulfillment, etc.
Together we will review God’s plan and the procedures to bring about his purposes. Further, the potential areas of failure will be discussed in detail. We will look at specific plans to bring about change in a believer’s life so that they might be conformed to the image of Christ.