Christian Counseling

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Do you want to earn a Certificate in Christian Counseling? Complete the following four courses to earn your Certificate of Completion: Intro to Counseling “On Belay”, Marriage and Family, Crisis Counseling, and How to Start a Counseling Ministry (The Healing Community).  After completing the formal admission process for a degree program, you may also transfer credits to degree programs of Vision International University (VIU).  (Additional fees may apply for those who wish to obtain college credit.)

You will need to complete the course work and score 80% or greater on the exams for the courses, Introduction to Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Marriage and Family.  There is no final exam for “How to Start a Counseling Ministry” but rather a final assignment that needs to be completed.

You may purchase your books individually at or you can take advantage of our package prices and save over $10 on the bundle.  This is the link for this bundled package.  When you purchase the bundle we will even throw in a free book…. 5 Steps to Effective Counseling.

In addition, upon successful completion of this course you will be free to apply for a one year IACCP membership scholarship.  Potential new members will have to be approved by the membership committee.