Parenting on Purpose

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There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Parents want to do their very best but are ill prepared for the task. Most learn to parent from the observations of their own parents, which is often like the blind leading the blind. There are all different types of kids, and different types of parents, coming in different shapes, sizes and colors with different temperaments, different styles of discipline, teaching and training.  They can be hands off, prefer timeout or corporal punishment.  Many have had parents who have been wonderful blessings and others have had parents that the very thought of brings anxiety to their souls. 

In this course, Dr. DeKoven presents both a biblical and psychosocial view of healthy and effective parenting.  A major focus will be on what makes kids do what they do and how a parent can shape behavior, along with the concepts of healthy training, teaching and discipline. The purpose of God for every parent is to see children grow and mature for His glory. For that to occur, one must parent on purpose (rather than by accident!), while being keenly aware that no parent is perfect….oh yea, I already said that…and it is so true…we will never be perfect, but we can be purposeful.