One night I began to really think about what I wanted, only to realize how very selfish and in many ways irrelevant that question was and is. Instead, I asked the question, “What does God Want?” This is a study on the practice of a God filled life. Based on the book, What Does God Want?

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Our Most Popular Courses

Domestic Violence Counselor Certification
In 1984 I first began working as a counselor with the Domestic Violence and Youth Diversion programs of the S. D City Police. I never thought that much of my focus in therapy would be in working with victims of family abuse, either past or present.
Chaplain Certification
This course explores in detail the foundations of Chaplaincy ministry, historically and practically. Chaplaincy will be taught from a strongly biblical perspective and is a preparatory course for this area of vital ministry.
Kingdom Builders
Churches should be seen as a kingdom embassy planted in the local community to usher in the kingdom of God. They should reach out to the world to preach and demonstrate the kingdom's presence on the earth.
Visionary Leadership RS 304
This course was written especially for pastors who are training and developing young men and women to meet the need for positive leadership. This volume is useful as a primary teaching text for leadership related bible classes, Sunday Schools or youth training.
Christian Counseling
This course will help the student discover the basic concepts of Christian counseling and increase skill and competence in counseling situations. A comprehensive discussion of the fundamentals will be followed by the creation of a strategic plan to establish a counseling ministry.
Create a School of Ministry in Your Local Church
Train your people for real, hands-on ministry. Your school of ministry will make it possible for Christian leaders to fulfill their goal of completing their education and/or receiving academic credit without leaving their community, family, job, or local church!
Develop a Pastoral Ministry Team in Your Church
COMING SOON Pastoral care is critical to the growth and sustaining of Christ’s church; no individual pastor with a congregation of over seventy can give healthy Pastoral Care. Pastors need a team to help in the nurture and care of the church.
Overcoming the Darkness
Let this course not only educate but be a warning to the Body of Christ to restore their first love and be an open welcoming home for everyone who has a need. Jesus came to minister to the spirit, soul, and body of the lost to restore fellowship with the Father who heals and redeems.
Crisis Intervention Certification
Many pastors are struggling to assist people in crisis overload. Some may feel underqualified to assist. We feel your pain and we want to help. Crisis Intervention Certification has been created for Senior Pastors and their Staff made available by scholarship.
Train to Reign
So how do we fulfill our mission (Eph 4) as 5-fold ministry leaders? The answer is seen in the ministry of Jesus to raise up disciples to leaders with apostolic purposes, as they were willing to take upon themselves the “Yoke of Christ” to train his disciples to reign with him.
Protected: Liberty Certification
This private Liberty course explores concepts of chaplaincy and will be taught from a strongly biblical perspective and is a preparatory course for Liberty students only in this area of vital ministry.
Book Writing and Course Creation 101
Have you dreamed of writing a book but simply don’t know where to start? Perhaps you have a personal story that you would love to chronicle. Or you have been teaching or preaching for years but are struggling with how to organize your notes to create a book. This workshop is for you!
Fresh Manna
Fresh Manna is not a comprehensive book on hermeneutics; it is an introductory text, with a specific design to whet the appetite of the reader to desire to read and study the word of God for the rest of their life.
Forty Days to the Promise
This course was born out of adversity, learned in the crucible of experience. It is presented for the hungry believer who deeply desires to grow in God’s grace and purpose, while preparing for effective kingdom service.
Journey to Wholeness
God knows where you are now, and no matter how fragmented the parts of your life might seem at the moment, He knows where you are going -- and your life has a purpose! Journey to Wholeness
Principles of Life and Leadership
We will discuss how Jesus lays aside his royal robes, and ministers in humility to his friends. The Upper Room is the setting for Jesus’ last will testament, the beginning of the end that leads to a new and most glorious beginning.
Intro to Counseling “On Belay”
This text presents a thoroughly Christian introduction to effective care and counseling, with a goal to assist trained and compassionate men and women to help others overcome the mountains of life. Home fellowship leaders, pastors, counselors, and caring Christian lay leaders can benefit from this book.
Marriage and Family
A healthy marriage is the foundation of a functional and happy family. As the family goes, so goes society and the church with divorces lingering at nearly 50% in western society, with only slightly better rates of success in Christian homes, learning the biblical principles of marriage, and family life are more important than ever.
Crisis Counseling
Few churches
have trained laity or pastoral staff who can help in times of real crisis. Yet it is precisely there, between the rock and the hard place, that the love of Christ, carefully and judiciously applied, can most fully and completely “heal the broken hearted and set the captive free.”